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Awakening the avatar
Over 3 days, you will embark on a Soul Quest to Awaken the Avatar
Day 1 : Pillar of Light - Uluru
Day 2 : Eternal Flame - The Universe
Day 3 : Harmony - The Soul
Field Of Light
Field of Light will take you on a journey to etheric heights and cosmic consciousness from Uluru to the Universe and back again, leaving you in complete inner and outer harmony.
These trans:missions are delivered in the form of meditative sound journeys in sequential order of their creation, energetically encoded at sacred sites from around the globe.
" How did you feel after the first day ? "
" Charged…specifically my hand chakras felt super charged and hot, my arms were tingling. My entire body feels charged, dense and yet fluid. Emotionally, I feel a bit overwhelmed…not sad or mad or joyful, rather beyond emotion and yet present with all of it."
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