
Trans:missions require an access pass available below

“Home” is our ninth trans:mission created over 6 months during our own journey home from Spain to the United Kingdom, finally landing in Sydney Australia in 2022.
'Home' is your point of origin in space and time. It is the still point, also known as the zero point of creation. An experience of something deeply familiar, the space between breaths, a knowing, of your own soul.
In under 20 minutes, you will be brought deeply into a deep state of being. Home. Timeless energetic information will be transmitted directly to your soul, through the power of sound attuned to 432hz.

The Wise One' is our first trans:mission created in Egypt with a focus on The Pyramids and 7 of the most significant Temples along the Nile. It opens the gate to our Sacred Quest: 'Awakening The Avatar'.
'The Wise One' is a culmination of our 6 month Sacred Mission in Egypt, we connect with Comet NeoWise during its closest approach to Earth from The Great Pyramids of Giza, Egypt.
The NeoWise Comet = The Wise One Come.

Return of the Magi.' is our second trans:mission created in the United Kingdom with a focus on Glastonbury and the Isle of Avalon.
From the Great Pyramids of Egypt, to Glastonbury in the United Kingdom, the 'Return of the Magi Transmission' has been described as 'The Holy Grail', providing recipients with keys to 'The Wise One Within'.
'The Magi' are a sacred lineage of Guardians. They are The Highest Magicians on the planet who move subtle energy in service to Mother Earth and Humanity. They are of the Grail Lineage.

Sword of Truth' is our third trans:mission created in the United Kingdom with a focus on Stonehenge.
From Egypt to Glastonbury, and now to Stonehenge in the United Kingdom, we bring you the ‘Sword of Truth’, A Trinity Transmission by Sacred Leadership, designed to give you the keys to access your own 'Sword of Truth' within.
The 'Sword of Truth' is the organic inner rod + inner staff alignment for Hierogamic Union. The 12:12 masculine spin + the 13:13 feminine spin. This applies on personal, planetary and collective levels.

Pillar of Light' is our fourth trans:mission created in Central Australia with a focus on Uluru.
One of the simplest spiritual practices is becoming a Pillar of Light. We invite you to anchor your Pillar of Light from wherever you are on the planet. To join forces in the purity and essence of your being. To connect direct to your own source consciousness and step fully into who you are and what you came here to be. In service to Gaia and Humanity. Through a pure energetic trans:mission of light and sound.
I believe Uluru to be The Solar Plexus and New Heart Chakra of the Planet. Combined. Creating Heart Power. It is the 13th Star Gate, the Mother Arc, where the Cosmic umbilical cord was reconnected to the Earth in January 2020.

Eternal Flame' is our fifth trans:mission created in the aethers with a focus on The Universe.
The Eternal Flame represents the three-fold-flame of Love, Power and Wisdom. Trinity consciousness. We are coming full spiral at this time and alchemising this trinity within our heart space, which ignites the sacred flame within. We invite you to join us in sacred ceremony for an inner journey of receiving ‘Eternal Flame’. A divinely inspired trans:mission, designed to take you there. From within.

Stasis' is our sixth trans:mission created in the aethers with a focus on The Body.
Defined as “a period or state of inactivity or equilibrium”, ‘Stasis’ is a divinely inspired trans:mission, designed to take you there from within. A healing journey on all levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Bringing balance, harmony and equilibrium through placing the body in Stasis.
To experience the state of ‘Stasis’. To be open to and receive the deepest healing on subtle levels, and experience a complete reset of your nervous system. To enter the void of creation and transfiguration, to rest deeply in a space of peace and calm while being lovingly held.

'Harmony' is our seventh trans:mission created through the integration of all six trans:missions with a focus on The Soul.
"Harmony" noun, plural har·mo·nies. agreement; accord; harmonious relations. a consistent, orderly, or pleasing arrangement of parts; congruity. Music.
​7 is a sacred number. A holy number of spiritual perfection. As in 7 steps to Heaven.
Journey through Egypt, UK, Australia, The Universe and The Body. Arriving finally at Eden, with echos of Shamballa. Grounding Heaven on Earth. Through you. The Soul.

- 144$Single Trans:mission PassValid for one week

Divinity - the state or quality of being divine.
'Divinity' is our eighth trans:mission created in Ibiza with a focus on Es Vedra and the White Isle.
'Divinity' is what is behind the sacred doorway. It is the end of the road. An experience of direct communion with all that is, and the beginning of a new way of being.
- 144$Single Trans:mission PassValid for one week
- 144$Single Trans:mission PassValid for one week

"These Trans:missions are exactly that: Missions that Transform your perception of yourself and your weave in the fabric of universal interconnection. You will return from each journey in awe and wonder of the experience - with more questions than answers. This is the Surrender, the Truth of which will reveal your rising inner power in the days (and well beyond) to come, as you integrate the healing and information that was gifted through these energetic sound blessings."
Kim - USA